(Adult Autobiography)
This is the true story of Frank Abagnale, Jr., a high school dropout who became 1.) a pilot for Pan-Am; 2.) a pediatric specialist in Atlanta and resident supervisor of a pediatric unit; 3.) a lawyer with the state's attorney's office; and, 4.) a sociology professor at a Utah college--all before the age of 20!
Frank was the smoothest of con men. It is unbelievable how he faked an FAA license; a law degree from Harvard and enough bad checks to keep him in permanent retirement.
If Frank's jetsetting life-style is too much to believe, then you will have a great time reading of his jail escapes by 1.) fishing himself down an airplane toilet and 2.) just simply walking out of prison after convincing guards he was undercover.
This story is just to unbelievable not to read! A fascinating look at how easy a life of crime could be.