Rainer Maria Rilke

"Live a while in these books, learn from them what seems to you worth learning, but above all love them. This love will be repaid you a thousand and a thousand times, and however your life may turn,-it will, I am certain of it, run through the fabric of your growth as one of the most important threads among all the threads of your experiences, disappointments, and joys."--Rainer Maia Rilke


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Best One Yet: From Potter's Field by Patricia Cornwell

Scarpetta #6:  From Potter's Field by Patricia Cornwell


Cornwell has to be my favorite writer and Scarpetta my favorite mystery series.  I can always count on these books to give me the chills with thrills, boggle my brain with a mystery, and touch a tender spot in my heart for all the characters that are too well-written to be fiction.

In this installment, Scarpetta and her less-than-merry sidekick Marino narrowly escape death on a Christmas charity drive before they're called in to solve the murder that happens right in front of their eyes.  All is not apparent as first and soon the duo, along with Wesley the lover and Lucy the niece, are hot on the trail of a serial killer that has eluded them for a few books.

This one is the best yet in the series and I have to resist the urge to gobble them all up.  These are mysteries I have to pace out, like a fine wine, so I can enjoy them slowly and, hopefully, never run out of!  Never fear, I have them all waiting in a stack to read.  An incredible read from an amazing writer.

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